We accept Real Estate, Jobs & Gigs, and Services Offered listings weekly. Here is a detailed breakdown of all our categories:
Real Estate
Our Real Estate listings are live for one week on our site. New listings are published every Wednesday morning at 8am ET.
If you're looking for a new tenant, roommate, a new home, or workspace, you can share your space with our community in our Real Estate section. We accept the following types of Real Estate listings:
- Art Studios for Rent
- Art Studios for Share
- Art Studios for Sublet
- Office/Desk/Co-working Space
- Hourly Work Space
- Rehearsal Space
- Artist Live/Work Space
- Seeking Living Space
- Seeking Work Space
- Rooms for Rent
- Rooms for Sublet
- Apartments for Rent
- Apartments for Sale
- Apartments for Sublet
- Lease Takeover
- Houses for Sublet
- Houses for Rent
- Houses for Sale
- Commercial Space
- Swap (i.e. home exchange)
Jobs & Gigs
If you are currently looking to hire someone (whether on behalf of your company or personally), you can share your job opportunity in our Jobs & Gigs listings. Each listing is live on our site for four weeks. Jobs & Gigs listings must be paid opportunities that are either: part time, full time, freelance, or paid internships.
Services Offered
Our Services Offered listings are live on our site for four weeks. If you're looking to book clients or job opportunities, you can share your skills, talents, and business with our community in our Services Offered listings. Whether you offer housekeeping services, music classes, or counseling, our Services Offered listings can help connect you with potential clients! You'll also see these noted as "Hire a Lister" on our site!